Crossroads Cafe

Góðan daginn , hvítkál plástur börnin!

I’ve been in San Francisco for a while, haven’t I? Sure feels like it. Most places I went to on this road trip were such short visits, a three day stay feels so strange.

However, this is my last stop in San Fran before Michelle and I continue north. San Francisco has so much going on, I could easily spent another week here, probably. Driving, however… geez oh pete’s!

Word of caution: I know San Francisco is notorious for its hills, and Lombard St. may have that crazy zig-zag thing going on, but beware of Jones St. There is an INSANE hill on which Michelle and I were practically screaming the entire way up and down. I found myself unconsciously leaning forward on the uphill climb because I felt like leaning back would tip the car over backwards!

That being said, San Francisco is still a great place to visit.

However, one has to eat sometime, and there is definitely a plethora of options. My suggestion for at least one meal is CROSSROADS CAFE- 699 Delancey St., San Francisco, CA.


Crossroads Cafe has perks in its own rights, by all means, but another reason to support them is the fact that they are a part of the now 45-year-old Delancey Street Foundation. For those not familiar with this organization, the Delancey Street Foundation is a voluntary self-help organization for those looking to turn their lives around after substance abuse, incarceration, homelessness, or any other bout in life that makes it difficult to integrate back into society. At the Delancey Street Foundation, residents stay for at least two years, sometimes longer, in which time they can earn a GED and be trained in at least three marketable skills in a drug, crime, alcohol, and hopefully drama free environment. It is also applicable training in interpersonal and teaching skills, as working together and training new residents is part of their duties.

… all of which is offered for free to the client and at no cost to taxpayers, either. The money comes from the several businesses they run that also act as training schools for the residents, where they work to also get employment for a future resume. One of these businesses is the Crossroads Cafe.

The Crossroads Cafe is a pleasant coffee shop, book shop, and restaurant that includes outdoor courtyard seating as well as indoor seating with high tops, pub tables, and couches. According to the website, the cafe follows an “all tastes converge” principle that the foundation lives by with their conglomerate of residents.



They have a large assortment of meals and beverages, including over 40 different teas.


We stopped in for breakfast, and the menu showed a variety of breakfast items, including different types of *cue choir of angels* crepes.

My crepes had chicken and pepper jack cheese, Michelle’s had smoked salmon and cream cheese. Both were indeed delish!

Feed your body with yummy food and refreshing drinks, your soul with a good book, and your spirit with these actions contributing towards an awesome cause.

Until next time, dahlings…

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