Welcome to The Offbeat Path!


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Hello, dahlings!

Looking for a new travel adventure, are you? You’ve come to the right place.

Sure, we all know about the Grand Canyon and the Eiffel Tower, but what about the World’s Largest Weathervane, the American Museum of Tort Law, or Evans City Cemetery (filming location of “Night of the Living Dead”)?

… to say nothing of the magnificent Welsh sheep behind me in the picture!

This blog, dear explorers, aims to give you an alternate adventure upon which you can embark and enrich yourselves on the diversity in your world, your country, and even your backyard.

Whether you are looking for a new destination, a different kind of local day trip, an interesting place to stretch your legs while on the road, or simply want to travel vicariously through reading about someone else’s experience, The Offbeat Path has a little something for everyone.

Come back often! You should always be able to find something new.

Venture down the many stops along The Offbeat Path by using the menu above!

Let’s explore the lesser known wonders of the world!